
Sedation Dentistry

What is
Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry uses medications to help patients feel carefree, relaxed, calm, and pain-free throughout the entirety of dental procedures. Dr. Tate uses local anesthesia, IV sedation, and general anesthesia. Below are three benefits of Sedation for dental procedures.

kicking pain

3 Benefits of
Our Sedation Dentistry

Deep Relaxation

Sedation provides a deep level of relaxation that allows patients to feel calm and at ease throughout the procedure. This is particularly useful for patients who experience dental anxiety or have a fear of dental procedures.

Reduced Discomfort

Sedation can help to reduce pain and discomfort during dental procedures. Patients may also experience a decrease in sensitivity to pain following the procedure, which can improve their overall recovery experience.

Faster Treatment

Sedation allows Dr. Tate to complete procedures more quickly and efficiently, as the patient is in a relaxed state and less likely to move around or experience discomfort. This means that multiple procedures can often be completed in a single appointment, which can be particularly beneficial for patients with busy schedules.

Is IV Sedation
Right for you?

Determining if sedation dentistry is right for you depends on your individual needs and circumstances. Here are a few factors to consider:

  1. Dental anxiety or fear: If you experience dental anxiety or fear, sedation dentistry may be a good option for you. Sedation can help you feel more relaxed and comfortable during the procedure.
  2. Pain sensitivity: If you have a low pain threshold or are particularly sensitive to pain, sedation can help to reduce discomfort during the procedure.
  3. Lengthy or complex procedures: If you are undergoing a lengthy or complex dental procedure, sedation can help you stay calm and comfortable throughout the entire process.
  4. Gag reflex: If you have a strong gag reflex, sedation can help to minimize the reflex and make the procedure more comfortable for you.
  5. Difficulty sitting still: If you have difficulty sitting still or are easily distracted, sedation can help you remain calm and focused during the procedure.

It’s important to discuss your options with Route 66 Smiles Family Dentistry and your medical provider, as they can evaluate your individual situation and help determine whether sedation dentistry is a good option for you.

iv sedation dentistry

Setting Expectations
Sedation Dentistry

  • Discuss sedation during your initial consultation with Dr. Tate. Touch on your health history, current medications, known allergies, preferences, and concerns. 
  • Dr. Tate will administer sedative medications before your dental procedure begins. You’ll receive a local anesthetic to numb your teeth and gums in addition to the other recommended sedative solutions.
  • Patients may need a ride home depending on the dental sedative they received, so plan accordingly. Route 66 Smiles Family Dentistry encourages patients to carve out the time to rest and relax after dental surgery to allow the medication to wear off.

First-Time Tips for Children
Who Are Nervous, Scared, or Unsure

  • Take your child for a preview of the office.
  • Read books with them about going to the dentist.
  • Review what the dentist will do during their first visit.
  • Speak positively about your own dental experiences.
  • Suggest a schedule for regular dental visits.
  • Normalize going to the dentist as a healthy and important activity.

Where Beautiful
Smiles Begin

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We serve the entire family, so whether you’re looking for a dentist for yourself, your child, or both, we’re ready and able to see you!

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